Church Leadership
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Dan Green
Dan has been going to church all of his life! His mom would bundle him up as a baby and ride the trolley to attend church at 26th and Spruce in Kansas City. As a young teen he realized that he needed to make his folk’s faith his own, and so he gave his life to Christ by putting Him on in baptism. He married Gaylene on April Fool’s Day in 1967. They lived in the Kansas City, MO area and raised a daughter and son and have 4 grandsons. They served the Lord in a variety of ways including teaching classes, teen retreats, marriage retreats and Dan speaking/teaching at various congregations in MO, KS, IA, IL, IN, PA, MN, CO, AZ, CA, OR, and WA. Dan served as a deacon at his home congregation in KC during this time. They both retired from teaching in 2004 and moved to Kirksville in 2005 to serve as a campus minister with the Ekklesia Campus Ministry sponsored by the Kirksville Church of Christ. They agreed to stay for a year but quickly fell in love with Kirksville and decided to stay and have never looked back. Dan was appointed an evangelist in August 2005 and worked with several small congregations in the area. In 2006, Dan’s focus changed, as he was appointed an elder/pastor of the Church of Christ meeting at 110 Pfeiffer.
Jerry Weichelt
Jerry was born in Wisconsin and put on Christ in baptism in 1990. He has been married 31 years to Lisa Weichelt. They made a big move to Missouri in 2003. They have been blessed with a wonderful family of 3 sons, 1 daughter, 1 grandchild and 1 on the way. Lisa and Jerry were both diagnosed with cancer in 2016. Lisa is now cancer free and Jerry still battles with his cancer. Jerry was appointed a deacon in 2006.
Ronald Logston​
In June of 2001 Ronnie and Peggy put on Christ in baptism. In September of 2010 Ronnie was appointed as a deacon .
Ron White
Ron put on Christ in baptism on Sept. 2, 2015. He was appointed a deacon on Aug. 14, 2019.